Monday, January 19, 2009

never oh never did I ever bend my legs to look like architechture

he leans over the bench shooting small dead sleeping men out of each nostral. Each one explodes into a pentunia as they take root in the ground, how I love natural nature. Oh my you are slick! with your dead calf skin coat and mediocre human face and holographic basketball necklace, this is what traveling lite is truly about. They plug in multiple cords into your sockets, your eyes , anus, mouth and feet. Your a toxic vibrating oily human machine! they feed you with vinyl tubes and electrical rembrandt, van gough, and salisberry steak tv dinners. Look behind you that tree is made of cotton and has a man inside of it. The tree is now tip toeing away to burn its brothers and sisters to the ground, family muteny never tasted so delicously original. There are so many of us waiting to cleanse our lungs and brains in bleach so that we may be renewed as someone completly new and original. No more being stuck as one sucker your whole life! in fact multiple personality is not a disorder but a specific religous experience dedicated to our generation our generation? what can my generation do when our eyes are sewn shut and our lips are full of blood and computer chips? we are drowning in boredom and self illusion, technology is are jesus christ in an electrical box. When will we awake from this spiritual nightmare maybe when you stop being so slick.

copyright andrew kerr 2009

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