Tuesday, December 22, 2009
O'Ezekiel how did you grow? by: Andrew Kerr based on Ezekiel 19
What is your mother? A lioness among lions! She lay down among the young lions and slowly faded away, her coat not so brilliant, o'er everlasting. Her glory is fading as is her life. One morning the cubs awake to find her breathing slow and study a mighty oak erupting out of her back full of singing canaries of every variety imaginable and every color known to man. "Mother, Mother?" they cried, " what is wrong?". Her eyes slowly open to reveal the deepest of blue pupils that pierce to the height of the heavens. Her voice escapes in but a whisper, " my children all of these canaries will die, God made them and now he must destroy them because I have disobeyed him. They must burn to make the colors of the rainbow so we may never forget how loved we truly are. You must learn how to devour man, my children do not fear him for he is weak and overconfident. They will try to tame you my children, but they will never tame you. For we are the wildest and proudest of God's creatures. Never forget who we are children". Her eyes dim and shut, somewhere a lamp explodes a room is dark. A silence comes about them as if the gates of heaven shut with her final breath. The mighty oak groans and burst into flame, the canaries fall one by one consumed by fire; blue, violet, indigo, yellow, teal, orange, white, purple, green, vermillion. They lay still at the cubs feet and then start to bleed on the ground. They bleed all the colors imaginable, the blood runs over their mothers coat in a beautiful array of hues. Finally it pools at the cubs feet forming all colors named and unnamed on God's green earth. Suddenly the pool begins to vibrate ever so slightly as if a small pebble has been dropped in the middle. A voice speaks over the roaring flames seemingly from nowhere, " your mother was like a vine planted by the the waters edge. It had lush, green foilage because of the abundant water. It's branches became strong- strong enough to be a rulers scepter. It grew very tall and it had many lush branches, but it has withered and was destroyed by a fire. A fire has burst forth from its branches and devoured its fruit. My children, my strong cubs of the wildest, proud my creatures, be still and know that I am God. It was her time and she was a lioness among lions and you will not be caught in mankind's snares. I will keep you safe my man- eaters, my TRIUMPHANT MEN!!! but never forget this moment for this is a funeral song and it will be used in a funeral. I hold you dearly my children, your mother was like a vine planted in the desert but you are children born underwater". With that the voice fades, the cubs weep deeply, " o' mother we will never forget your love, your hunt to keep us safe, you truly are a lioness among lions!". They rear their heads and combine their voices in one mighty roar towards the not so mighty oak consumed by flames. Their mighty mother is gone but stained beautifully. The scene fades and I hear a voice from behind which catches me off guard, it speaks out, " This is a funeral song and it will be used in a funeral, the funeral which is that of my son who will die but whom is not dead, REJOICE SON! YOUR GOD IS NOT DEAD!! and in his funeral rejoice!...... the voice fades and hold my head in my hands and weep My God is not dead and rains forever in glory all the glory to him forever and ever amen.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
God Gave Up The Ghost at Full Tilt Ice Cream
live footage of one man band God Gave Up The Ghost(aka andrew kerr) of seattle.
Monday, November 9, 2009
American Scientology
"american Scientology" Short film by andrew kerr, sound samples and effects also by andrew kerr.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
we are sorry to inform you of yr life....
blink, fuzzy outlines of editable estuaries, inhale slow to anger quick to save, today's freeman tomorrow's slave. Our young men die close together, arms, legs and lungs entangled in one harmonous death march. A door opens, welcome home son, what is left of home? She was only five when the family cat died, they stuffed her and put her on the wall, a vague statement about love and what it means to be a little girl, when she was born into this world she was surronded by lions hungry for her death, prostitution, and corruption. She breathes in her first breath of life and death simultaneously, skip to my lou my darling, skip to my love, skip to my love, all in all the lions only wanted a small piece of her life she was free to live the rest as she pleased. a beautiful gazelle falls, neck snapped, muscles limp and unresponsive, taken up in jaw and paw, that's my girl, thats my girl, she was my world, she was mein welt. A young girl swings back and forth light filtering through her hair like sunlight thorough so many grains of straw.. She says push me daddy, push me but all she is swinging towards is a black hole in the middle of the tire swing, daddys not home, daddys not home. She ist mein welt, sie ist mein welt. one day out of the lion God will carve a lamb, obidenient, tame and loving. But for now I must give my life to kill lions and use them to dress my house and body because I will not let lions devour little girls, I will not let young children fall through black holes in tire swings, I will not let love die in the garage in a running car scared and alone. Blink, weep dust into deserted deserts left to rust, inhale angery fumes of imaginary fires, cuckaburra, cuckaburra on the old gum tree, on the old gum tree won't you come down and make this world real for me, how did you form her heart? she is my world.
written and peformed in spoken word by: andrew kerr copyright 2009 apollo productions.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
giving up the ghost is the least of my worries
Phrase Giving Up The Ghost
Variations none
Meaning To give up, stop working, or to die
Origin There are many uses of this phrase in the Bible, including Acts 12:23 (King James), "And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost."
The metaphorical use of the phrase, i.e. in relation to something not living and not able to become a ghost, is 19th century. For example, James Kirke Paulding's, Westward Ho!, 1832, includes, "At length it gave up the ghost, and, like an over-cultivated intellect, became incurably barren."
Variations none
Meaning To give up, stop working, or to die
Origin There are many uses of this phrase in the Bible, including Acts 12:23 (King James), "And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost."
The metaphorical use of the phrase, i.e. in relation to something not living and not able to become a ghost, is 19th century. For example, James Kirke Paulding's, Westward Ho!, 1832, includes, "At length it gave up the ghost, and, like an over-cultivated intellect, became incurably barren."
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
this is the country for which i burned
music video for my side project www.myspace.com/husbandry thank you for your time and support.
Monday, June 1, 2009
nationalism: the unification of all mens hearts by:Andrew Kerr
I will not raise my hands in praise to my country if i do not believe that country is for my own good as well as the good of others. We hide underneath the banner of nationalism, the collective conscious placing hands over hearts, singing my country tis of thee and God bless America. This collective conscious is the group of mankind to which we are born without choice. We are born thinking God is on our side because the united states of america always stands for freedom and nothing else we as the U.S are never in the wrong we are innocent, strong, war torn, heroic and the world belongs to us. When we do not pledge our allegence to the country of our birth without question and consideration we are frowned down at by our elders and fellow man. When you ask why we do this it always just because we are honoring the founders of our country, soldiers,navy men,etc. and this is a tradition we uphold as an honor but why? where and how do these traditions start? why do we feel the need to offer blind alligence to the country of our birth without investigating its laws, structure, history and current events, wars, etc. do you not study up on different cultures before visiting different nations? then why do we not study up on ourselves before declaring ourselves americans? can anyone be an american, in this day and age it is a very loose term. I do not harbour anger towards our men and women in the service but in fact feel pity for them in this current time and in no means am I a pacifist. I believe there are times when war though digusting vile, inhumane and never forgotten must take place. For example WW2 was a well warrented war they really did attack us on our soil killing un prepared men and women whilst talking peace with us just over the dinner table. Japan and Germany were in league together tearing apart the pacific as well as europe. Hitler was a very real threat who really would take over the world if we did not stop him. I would if drafted give my life in that war without second thought do to the consequences for our children if I and my fellow men did not. That was a war of necessity not a war of only blind nationalism and allegience. In our current occupation i feel the most pity. We are binding together under a banner of disillusionment, greed and manifest destiny drapped in blood. Our nationalism is raging without cause we wear the flag inside of our eyes and out, the men and women who volunteer for the service are given a jaded glass orb to hold and are told this is Iraq this is wear we are giving them the gift of freedom and democracy, what does that mean they do not know but they want to do good by uncle sam in their lifetime. in this current time nationalism is a diease of uneducated people being taken advantage of from their first sights out of the womb. We are told from young childhood that america is a land of promise, freedom and are given the belief that we always need to expand our borders and protect are foreign and domestic interest no matter the cost, even if the cost is lies and padding corporations and politicians already full pockets while the working men and women and people in service are given promises of college funds, 401 k's and a good life all around as the economy chokes on its own vomit in the backroom of the white house. My own grandfather and many vet's are given false hope that if they even survive the ordeal of war they will be given money for their family, childlren and general welfare upon return, parades, memorials, etc. This is not the case my grand father didn't even get proper medical and when he was dying of cancer had to go to a base three hours away instead of twenty minutes away because they gave the active duty officers first picks as the old men cried and fell asleep in death. This country is young ,niave and invincible. nothing can touch us, we must stop the terrorist before he slaughters our children and unleashes weapons of mass destruction on the U.S. America is a country in which we do have freedom and the sacrifice of soldiers is not to be taken litely, we are free to worship as we please, have guns in our homes so that we can keep our children safe from themselves, our freedom is a false security. Our country is prideful and pompous we are young and succesfull but then again so was Rome at the time it died out. We will die from the inside out with the apathic youth refusing to vote and continuing to become illiterate and let others tell them what truth is, the older folks rejecting the young's culture saying its vile and has no truth, the politicians telling the public what they want to hear as young men and women are slaughtered for deomcracy and freedom. what is freedom? what does it become when we die for no reason other then economic greed and excuses to pad congresses pockets and a select corporation of the good old fellows . This current brand of nationalism is leading us to a empty grave in the woods full of our last generations blood. We will continue to fill it and have it overflow with our blood and ignorance until we question our government, our traditions as a country, our reasons for war's that are not declared but still inflict death and deficite. Upton sinclair said it best when he said"facism is captialism plus murder" in that same vain nationalism is ignorance plus death. truth only grows stronger when tested what is false will shine like christmas, God Bless America and her holy foreign interests, nationalism is a diease in which the young have no voice to question, the old up hold it against the questions telling them to have some respect for the vets, etc. and in this way it is never changed and a false doctrine is upheld, nationalism should spring from within the breast of all men and women as an outlet of their gratitude for a country they are apart of, a valuable member of society adding to their culture as they sleep and awake, are born and then die, it should be a feeling that comes with knowledge, inquiry and graditude. Will you bless the U.S.A when it no longer is a place of freedom but rather of blind faith and blind mice?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
the world is gone and God has come home
a new short film i made recently with a song i wrote as well enjoy and tell me what you think!
Monday, January 19, 2009
sliding into de-evolution doesn't even cover it
He holds onto the edge of nowhere, establishing sad american escapism in small talk about the weather, television informercials telling you how to increase the size of your penis. His sad life is all wrapped up in getting away from himself in addiction. This man is all of us. The man is sitting in your room drinking beer and eating chips and slowly slipping into death, unhealthly and uneventfully. He calls himself your father. If all we are, are useless meat bags doomed to hit the fryer in death why even try to live, to be an expansive being that feels, smells, loves, and has human capibilites of thought, art, abstract life, masochism, hatred, anything that shows he truly has live and functioning brain cells. In self discovery life is discovered, and in non-socialable and sub-conscious realms god, love, sex, hate, pity, destruction, everything we pitiful beings are, it’s all in this place. Jesus is drinking down a cup of water and we are being sucked into the sunset in the lake, its time to dream, to live to be controvesial, be real, be humanitary to humanity, be qued up for your next role. Its time to flip the tape side a= non-chalant ways to live shallowly in parties, sex, drugs and a shit life. Side b= how to avoid everyone and act like your choices have no effect. Flow into my mouth and swim in my dreamscape. Love is alive here, sad sorrowful, detached and beautiful, alive. I do not enjoy pain but rather pain is sometimes more alive then true love. Do I love her? what the fuck is love? what is it? how can abstract feeling feel so concrete yet so far away, oh lonely feeling drift away into obscuredy. Floresent schemes balance on my sternum and she kisses me in the dark, I can’t light up the darkest house I am too dim. Who is she? how is him? I, do rather well, well as in hell if i know, she is quite, wonderful though, who is she really? I talk with her so much, yet I only scratch the surface of her being with my boyish hands. I feel happier being close to her, yet sometimes I’ve never felt more alone then when I am surrounded by friends. Hollow spots in the wall are good hiding spots for potted people, that is to say two dimensional beings who are no one and everyone all at once. She is my nobody and my somebody all at once. She will never be gone, but how can she be gone? is she a breathing vibrating being or only a loving glimpse of eternity? I have never “liked” or felt happy with any woman like her before, it is strange to be so real and yet so vacant. The hotel signs are slow in pattern and so is love, come and vibrate inside my skull.
copyright andrew kerr 2009
copyright andrew kerr 2009
fireflies in the mysterious oil burn high,burn out the midnight oil
I fall unto my knees crying, her eyes piercing me, light untamed fireflies, it’s making the whole room glow in anticipation. Two moving white boulders in her skull, chalk irises’ melting down my soul into ribbons. I can’t feel the darkness anymore it is all ecompusing all five senses; I am the blind beggar, the untamed lion, the deaf leper falling to pieces in the backroom with the Pharisee. I try to stand but the fireflies glow in my fists I am the slave and not the owner. I explode light out of my every pore and illuminate the cracks for my own intentions. Our light is a fooless temperature, unradiated lengthy wavebands that ripple the surface of every one, vibrate into a vibrato of lazy dead weights. Death is no place for a butcher to be especially on a Sunday afternoon in the public shot glass eye. The raptors rip the flesh of the neon children wrapped in cocoons of fishnet glory for future generations. Static egg sack be my Rembrandt light me in a solo heartless chord. Flip flap the sounds of flap jacks and grandpa at five in the morning watching the sunrise…I miss the man that held our family in his tender palm. It all shatters, but I still love his army skin coat.
copyright andrew kerr 2009
copyright andrew kerr 2009
never oh never did I ever bend my legs to look like architechture
he leans over the bench shooting small dead sleeping men out of each nostral. Each one explodes into a pentunia as they take root in the ground, how I love natural nature. Oh my you are slick! with your dead calf skin coat and mediocre human face and holographic basketball necklace, this is what traveling lite is truly about. They plug in multiple cords into your sockets, your eyes , anus, mouth and feet. Your a toxic vibrating oily human machine! they feed you with vinyl tubes and electrical rembrandt, van gough, and salisberry steak tv dinners. Look behind you that tree is made of cotton and has a man inside of it. The tree is now tip toeing away to burn its brothers and sisters to the ground, family muteny never tasted so delicously original. There are so many of us waiting to cleanse our lungs and brains in bleach so that we may be renewed as someone completly new and original. No more being stuck as one sucker your whole life! in fact multiple personality is not a disorder but a specific religous experience dedicated to our generation our generation? what can my generation do when our eyes are sewn shut and our lips are full of blood and computer chips? we are drowning in boredom and self illusion, technology is are jesus christ in an electrical box. When will we awake from this spiritual nightmare maybe when you stop being so slick.
copyright andrew kerr 2009
copyright andrew kerr 2009
this is life the only thing left again
a video i made in high school my i have changed
copyright andrew kerr 2009
this is the house you where burned in
mixed medium presentation starring andrew boring copyright andrew kerr 2009
god gave up the ghost and i gave him a home 2008-2009 art series
" she only knew as far as she could reach"- chalk on asphalt 2008
""the death of the modern coniseur"-chalk, zenith circuit board on asphalt " we found him on his back in the woods smiling towards heaven" -acrylic, pasted paper on found wood sign "god gave up the ghost and I gave him a home" - acrylic, bark, cigarette butts, lipstick, pasted paper, telephone wire on canvas "we gather around the fire to witness"
"there she goes again, there I go putting on another spin"- digital print, mixed medium "oh yes it was a place to be" "God taste like plastic"- acrylic, dirt on canvas " how can we drift?"-acrylic,ink "my wife is now thirty years old" -acrylic, hair, etc. "the wave of pschyics is over acrylic, hair on canvas " we never saw the other side of eternity"- acrylic, sumi ink, chalk pastel on linen "the birth of the street in form of two hundred smiles"- hair, pasted paper, found objects, acrylic on street sign.
""the death of the modern coniseur"-chalk, zenith circuit board on asphalt " we found him on his back in the woods smiling towards heaven" -acrylic, pasted paper on found wood sign "god gave up the ghost and I gave him a home" - acrylic, bark, cigarette butts, lipstick, pasted paper, telephone wire on canvas "we gather around the fire to witness"
"there she goes again, there I go putting on another spin"- digital print, mixed medium "oh yes it was a place to be" "God taste like plastic"- acrylic, dirt on canvas " how can we drift?"-acrylic,ink "my wife is now thirty years old" -acrylic, hair, etc. "the wave of pschyics is over acrylic, hair on canvas " we never saw the other side of eternity"- acrylic, sumi ink, chalk pastel on linen "the birth of the street in form of two hundred smiles"- hair, pasted paper, found objects, acrylic on street sign.
happy new new you ladies!
a short film i made of footage of the space needle fire works a song called india is in her eyes that i recorded in high school and windows movie maker.
global warming,
god gave up the ghost,
salvador dali,
star trek
my hands hold out a smiling gesture
she smiles and then laughs, life escaping in one insane, exotic breath. her breath cools turning into a mist that floods the valley, putting out the firey homes of men. Now only wooden skeletons that seem to laugh in relaxation remain. now free from their cracked old wooden skin. The men lay on the floors of the homes listening to their skeletons crack and moan, no more are they young. The wood panels break craddling the men in a warm, damp womb of wood. They sigh and lay still, her mist turns into a chill wind. The men turn to dust and litter the country side riding her breath to their eternal destination. The homes light a flame again and her laughter turns to anger, sadness , fear and finally rain soaking the houses. They groan, steaming letting their souls drift skyward the rest of them clawing at the earth with their foundations. Then finally they give in and become old men and join the men's ashes as she laughes again whispering " no more are they young, no more do they run, but look how much they loved this land and their homes, now in eternal hearts they rest".
copyright andrew kerr 2009
copyright andrew kerr 2009
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