" she only knew as far as she could reach"- chalk on asphalt 2008
""the death of the modern coniseur"-chalk, zenith circuit board on asphalt " we found him on his back in the woods smiling towards heaven" -acrylic, pasted paper on found wood sign "god gave up the ghost and I gave him a home" - acrylic, bark, cigarette butts, lipstick, pasted paper, telephone wire on canvas "we gather around the fire to witness"
"there she goes again, there I go putting on another spin"- digital print, mixed medium "oh yes it was a place to be" "God taste like plastic"- acrylic, dirt on canvas " how can we drift?"-acrylic,ink "my wife is now thirty years old" -acrylic, hair, etc. "the wave of pschyics is over acrylic, hair on canvas " we never saw the other side of eternity"- acrylic, sumi ink, chalk pastel on linen "the birth of the street in form of two hundred smiles"- hair, pasted paper, found objects, acrylic on street sign.
Wow, what a picture...